photobiology 0.11.x

Most significant recent changes

R Package Update

Pedro J. Aphalo






photobiology pkg


As part of moving the site to Quarto I intend to write a single post to give an overview of changes in minor versions of the packages. In this case, all versions in the 0.11.x series. I will update this same post in the case of minor version updates, and start a new post when I release the first version in the 0.12.x series. I hope this will reduce the clutter and still provide a good overview of progress. Differences between versions are listed in detail in the NEWS file.

Overview of changes

Version 0.11.0 makes operations on objects containing multiple spectra in long form in most cases equivalent to operations on collections of spectra. This allows the use of simpler code and improves consistency of handling among the different supported ways of storing spectral data.

Version 0.11.1 supports additional operations on objects containing multiple spectra in long, in particular the handling of metadata attributes. It also avoids unnecessary multiple copies of metadata attributes. The execution speed of irradiance computations on objects containing multiple spectra in long form has been improved. Add example data sets. Fix bugs, mostly boundary-case and minor. Minor changes to data sets could potentially affect backwards compatibility, but this is unlikely.

Version 0.11.2 brings bug fixes.

Version 0.11.3 brings bug fixes, additional specializations of methods for multiple spectra stored in long form, together with enhancements to the printing of spectra and collections of spectra and their summaries.

As shown below, the header of the printout now contains the information in the form of a data dictionary under “Variables:”, which is clearer than the previous approach of listing metadata values.

News at
Object: source_spct [522 x 3]
Wavelength range 280-800 nm, step 0.9230769-1 nm 
Label: sunlight, simulated 
Measured on 2010-06-22 09:51:00 UTC 
Measured at 60.20911 N, 24.96474 E; Kumpula, Helsinki, FI 
 w.length: Wavelength [nm]
 s.e.irrad: Spectral energy irradiance [W m-2 nm-1]
 s.q.irrad: Spectral photon irradiance [mol s-1 m-2 nm-1] 
# A tibble: 522 × 3
   w.length s.e.irrad s.q.irrad
      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     280          0         0
 2     281.         0         0
 3     282.         0         0
 4     283.         0         0
 5     284.         0         0
 6     285.         0         0
 7     286.         0         0
 8     286.         0         0
 9     287.         0         0
10     288.         0         0
# ℹ 512 more rows